Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lastest, NEWS, from, Show, FREEDOM, religion
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Freedom FROM Religion

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Image by cobalt123

"The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, written in 1779 by Thomas Jefferson, proclaimed:

"[N]o man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."

Never have these words been more meaningful to me than when I learn that now the Catholics have powerful church leaders insisting on "correct" votes from US legislators in the health care debates. Those who have made stands that a vote for health care must not be cast if there is any provision for abortion coverage because the Catholic Church is opposed. Unbelievable that this country having made great strides towards acceptance of people's personal faith and tolerance - is NOW once again promoting one religious view over others.

This week, it is the Catholic bishops attempting to enforce a strict Catholic adherence on a political decision that affects all Americans. In other cases, we Americans have to watch out for politicians whose faith promotes a glad rush towards "end times" and the Rapture, and thus affects their votes on Middle Eastern issues. The Mormons and other churches oppose same sex marriage. "Abstinence Only" is pushed by churches who insist they alone have the solution for our society. Creationists oppose science of all sorts and research. Anti-evolution is promoted by many, and insidiously in "intelligent design" plans that change textbooks in public schools. "God and Country" folks try to enforce a Christian approach to all things government. Death penalty? Oh yeah, some Christian churches promote "eye for an eye" justice. So in this way, these folks are no different than extreme religious fanatics that chop off hands and stone people to death in the Middle East. Censorship is alive and well in banning books, even now due to intolerance of differing perspectives. There are so very many ways that this government is assaulted by those who insist their true faith is for the good of us all.

What makes the US stand out from other countries? One thing we used to count on is "separation of church and state" and the prohibition of establishment of religion by the state. This is not the case in the last ten years in particular. Religious wars and jihad are the fate of countries that tie the state to a particular faith. Christians vs. Protestants in Ireland is rearing up yet again in that small country. Anti-Islam folks in Switzerland this week won a vote to ban minarets from mosques. Americans have a hot button trigger on anything that seems to allow Islam and Muslims freedom of religion in the US. The smallest extreme radical groups of Islam all over the world disrupt all normal life, commerce and discourse. Christians are persecuted in some powerful ways, but consider this: non-Christians are persecuted and abhorred here in the US too!

I stand up for Americans that do not wish to be proselytized, who reject political leaders speaking "for them" when their votes originate out of their own personal religious faith. I do not oppose those faiths shown on this image, just the concept that any one faith influences American government to such an extent that individual faith, liberty, civil rights and health is endangered.

Read on in the comment for citations.

Australian wildlife 0068

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Image by Michael Dawes

Eclectus parrot
Common name: Eclectus parrot
Scientific name: Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi (Gk. eklektikos = select, pick out, L. rorare = bedewed, macgillivrayi = after the ornithologist who discovered the species in Queensland)

Animal group: Parrots

Conservation status: This species is listed as vulnerable in Queensland (Nature Conservation Act 1992).


Body length: (beak to tail) Males: 420â€"480mm; Females: 400â€"450mm

Wing span: Males: 900mm; Females: 890mm

Weight: 615g

Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi is the largest of twelve subspecies of eclectus parrot. Plumage between the sexes is markedly different, even in juveniles. Males are predominantly emerald green, with scarlet red on the sides of the abdomen extending across the underwing, and dusky feathers on the remainder of the underwing. The upper wing is emerald green with blue outer feathers. The tail is emerald green on the upper side, fading to light blue with a white tip, and on the underside the tail is grey-black with a yellow tip. The lower beak is black, and the upper beak is orange fading to yellow at the tip. The eye is orange-red in colour with a grey eye-ring. Females have a scarlet-red head and neck, with a darker red tail and back. The upper side of the wings are dark red on the inside half and blue on the outer half. Under the wing is dusky with a vivid purple-blue band that continues under the body and around the back of the neck. A purple-blue ring surrounds the yellow eye, and the upper and lower beak is black. Both sexes have a short, square tail.

Habitat and distribution: Eclectus roratus macgillivrayi is endemic to Queensland (only lives in Queensland) and is the only subspecies on mainland Australia, with one other subspecies, E. r. polychloros, found in the Torres Strait islands. All other subspecies are located in Indonesia, New Guinea, and several Pacific islands. The eclectus parrot is found in one region in Queensland, the Iron and McIlwraith ranges of eastern Cape York Peninsula. They mainly inhabit the interior and edges of lowland rainforest; however they can also be found in the higher rainforest regions.

David Fleay Wildlife Park on the Gold Coast has eclectus parrots on display.

Diet: The diet consists of fruit, nuts, seeds, flowers and nectar, obtained from the tree canopy.

Reproduction: The eclectus parrot’s breeding season is from July to February. They can have more than one brood, particularly when there is a loss of eggs or nestlings. Nests are in wood chip-lined hollows of emergent trees in the rainforest. Females will mate with several males, and have a clutch of two eggs. The female does all of the incubating while one or more males feed her and the nestlings. Several fully-grown offspring from earlier breeding seasons are also believed to help care for the nestlings. This co-operative breeding behaviour is extremely unusual for parrot species.

Behaviour: Eclectus parrots usually perch and feed high in the canopy. During the day, they can be seen singly and in pairs or small groups, but will often congregate in large numbers (up to 80) at a fruiting tree or when roosting in the evenings. The loud screeching call of the eclectus parrot makes them conspicuous in the rainforest (this can also be a deterrent for keeping them in captivity).

Threatening processes: The lowland rainforest in eastern Cape York Peninsula is more like the lowland rainforest in Papua New Guinea than other rainforest in Australia. The uniqueness and limited area of this habitat type mean that ongoing habitat degradation is a serious threat to the eclectus parrot.

The parrot’s bright colours and conspicuous nature have made it a target for illegal trapping and nest-robbing.

Actions: The Action plan for Australian birds 2000 has identified the need for further research into the eclectus parrot to fully understand its breeding requirements and behavioural ecology of the species. This information would be necessary to successfully reintroduce captive-bred birds into the wild if active management is required. Regular surveys are important to ensure early detection of any decline in numbers.

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